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Employee Transitions and Security: The Role of Rekeying Locks in Business Protection

Oct 25, 2023

In the ever-changing landscape of business, employee transitions are a common occurrence. Whether it's a promotion, a departure, or a new hire, these transitions can have implications for your company's security. One often-overlooked aspect of maintaining a secure business environment during these times is the rekeying of locks. This simple yet effective measure can play a significant role in safeguarding your business assets and sensitive information.

Why Rekeying is Necessary

When an employee leaves the company, especially one who had access to critical areas or confidential information, the risk of unauthorized access increases. Even if the departing employee returns their keys, there's no guarantee that duplicates haven't been made. Rekeying locks eliminates the possibility of unauthorized access using old keys, ensuring that only current employees can enter specific areas.


Rekeying is a cost-effective alternative to replacing locks entirely. The process involves changing the internal mechanisms of the existing lock, allowing it to operate with a new key. This is generally less expensive than purchasing and installing new hardware, making it a practical option for businesses on a budget.

Quick and Efficient

The process of rekeying locks is usually quick and can often be completed in a single day, depending on the number of locks involved. This minimizes any disruption to your business operations, allowing you to maintain a smooth workflow even as security measures are being implemented.

Maintaining an Updated Access Log

Rekeying locks provides an opportunity to update your access log. This log should detail who has access to what areas, and it should be updated regularly, especially during periods of employee transition. An updated access log not only enhances security but also aids in accountability, making it easier to identify any irregularities should they occur.

Flexibility in Access Control

Modern rekeying techniques offer a high degree of flexibility. You can opt for master key systems that allow different levels of access for various employees. For example, you can have a master key for all areas and sub-keys that only open specific sections. This tiered approach to access control can be particularly useful in larger organizations with diverse security needs.

Legal and Compliance Benefits

In some industries, maintaining a secure environment is not just good practice but a legal requirement. Regularly rekeying locks and updating access logs can help your business stay compliant with industry regulations, potentially saving you from hefty fines and legal complications.

Employee transitions are a natural part of business operations, but they can pose risks if not managed correctly. Rekeying locks is a simple, cost-effective, and efficient way to mitigate these risks. It allows you to maintain a secure and compliant business environment, safeguarding both your assets and your reputation. By incorporating rekeying into your security protocols, especially during times of employee transition, you take a proactive step in protecting your business.

Concerned about maintaining a secure business environment during employee transitions? Contact us today to learn how our rekeying services can provide a seamless, cost-effective solution for your security needs.

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